Not-So-Scary October!

Update: 22/7/2014

If interested for commercial use please email me at

StickgirlProductions Illustrations : October 2013
Free Download link below of post. 
Last year, it being the first time in Adelaide that we were staying in a suburb away from the city and in a house instead of an apartment, the husband and I experienced our first (or MY first since the husband has had an American childhood experience before) "trick or treat"! Thank God for my sweet tooth (yes!) we had tons of candy around the house and were well-prepared for those unexpected cute "trick or treat"-ers that came knocking on our door!

This year I had planned to be that cool house in the neighbourhood- dress out the lawn, wear a costume, pack candy into "not-so-scary" packs along with a StickgirlProductions print/note/greeting that is to be given to each child that came a-knocking! Alas, plans changed and now that we're back in Malaysia- don't think any of that is going to be happening since "trick or treat" isn't big here in this part of the world. (sad sigh)

BUT it doesn't meant that someone else CAN'T be that cool house in the neighbourhood  for me! If you were thinking along the same lines as me- YAY! The design above would have been used for my would have been AWESOME Halloween candy pack but since that isn't happening any more- maybe you could find a use for it. You can get it by clicking the link at the bottom of the page after the jump!

The artwork is created digitally which means it can be stretched/shrinked to your size specifics (with limitations of course). Because it is a digital print - it prints wonderfully and can be made glossy / matte according to your paper / printer. All that I ask is that you do not change the colours/wordings and remove all the SGP signatures when you use it :)

Make it into a note, a Halloween card, Ipad/Desktop wallpaper or just print it out and frame it (which is what I'll be doing!). The possibilities are endless! I would love to see how YOU used the illustration! Tag us on Facebook or Instagram by using the #StickgirlProductions hashtag! :)

This is also to say a huge THANK YOU for all your support and love for the past 10 months we've been around :) Thank you so much for being on this journey with me. It has been such a blessing and honour to draw for so many wonderful people and have my work appreciated from people all over the world. It reminds me of how precious this opportunity is. Sending you all the love in the universe! Thank you!

TO get this illustration - click on the link here >>> (OCTOBER2013) and it will direct you to the site where you can download :)
